10.20.04 | 11:17 a.m.

�Liberals boo, conservatives bomb.�
-Jon Stewart, on The Daily Show

Now, I�m not necessarily sure I�m a bleeding heart liberal, nor am I sure I am a committed conservative. However, I will not be voting for Bush this November 2, to the great disappointment of my Communist, I mean Republican, family.

What I am sure of is that I would like to get up from my computer this very second, calmly walk over to my boss Meatball�s office, close the door, and sucker punch her right smack dab in the middle of her fat-fugly face. I would then like to rub some hot sauce in her eyes. That, I am 100% sure, would brighten my day.

Of course, office politics (and the law) permit me from doing that. So, I am left with no choice but to close my office door, turn up my iTunes, and work through my anger.

On a side note, even with my music pumping, I can still hear my boss screaming at some poor, unsuspecting optical establishment about her lost prescription.

�I do not understand why you are not helping me out!?!?� (Hmmm� maybe, just maybe, Meatball, it is because you are YELLING.)

�I can�t see! I need my glasses. I need them to see!" (Point taken. Yet, it remains a mystery how Meatball rolled herself to work today, has been navigating her stout self around the office without the aide of a seeing eye dog and/or pointer stick, and has even been responding to her emails.)

On another side note, just because she claims she cannot see at the present in no way means I take back my comment about the desire to dab a little Tabasco in her retinas.

I bet she plays up this temporary blindness for a good two weeks.

In fact, she probably won�t be able to get to work tomorrow � as she is newly disabled.

Maybe I will wake up "blind" tomorrow, too.

Reminds me -- America's Next Top Model (cycle 3) fans, we can only hope that Amanda gets the boot tonight. Or, at least, I will be hoping that from my living room couch.